Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5th Roll Call #3

August 5th Roll Call #2

August 5th Roll Call #1

Final #7: Course Evaluations

This was my last final project, Course Evaluations. What I did was download the JPG version of the course evaluation, then opened it in Gimp Shop. After I used the paint brush to circle/check things, i used the text option to write more evaluations on the course. After I sent it to Father Woods, I then opened the finished version of the course evaluations and used the smudge and burn tools to smudge what I wrote so no one could see what I filled in.

Final #6: The Future of Immersive Education

I truly believe that Immersive Education, ten years from now, will be something that we can not truly comprehend. Technology doubles in power and capability every twelve months, meaning Immersive Education will have doubled 10 times over! Even though we do not truly now how powerful Immersive Education will be, I have a few thoughts and ideas about what Immersive Education will open the population up to.

Ten years from now, Immersive Education will have blown up to unprecedented heights. Right now, this technology is new many people. This year is the first time that I have ever heard or experienced Immersive Education. In 2020, I believe that everyone will have heard of it and experienced it fully. When I was watching some of the videos on, I saw history lessons being taught in Egypt. I also saw a science lesson that was being taught at a pond in Rocket World. This is a very good start, but since technology is doubling in power and capability every single year, I believe that in ten years we will see places such as Egypt , in immense detail. In such detail, that it is exactly how Egypt really is (the layout, structures, monuments, etc…). This will give students real life experiences, as if they were actually in Egypt. These types of experiences will also take place in any town a class wants to visit. Virtual worlds will also be from the past as well. Say if a history class wants to take a trip back to the industrial revolution in Pittsburgh, PA. there will be a virtual world set up so that a class can go there and learn about it.

I also believe that Immersive Education will take over classrooms. I believe that in ten years, there will be no need for classrooms because there will be virtual classrooms. Every teacher will have to be learned in Immersive Education so that they can be comfortable teaching in these virtual classrooms. These classrooms will be the source for learning for people ranging from kindergarten to college students. Everyone in the class will be able to create their own avatar with extremely life like graphics. Also, if the person is insecure about something such as their weight or a pimple, they can simply re-arrange their character the way they want it. This will prevent many bullying situations. I also think that instead of using a mouse and a key board, there will be virtual gadgets that will be able to hook up to a person’s body so they feel like they are actually in second life. Another thing that Immersive Education will provide will be virtual libraries that will store every book that is known to man. These books will be easily available to every Avatar that walks in. There will be a credit card system in place as well, if Avatars want to buy a new or best selling book.

Immersive Education is going to be revolutionary in the way we learn and communicate. Ten years from now, this technology will be so powerful that there will be no choice, but to use it. Instead of driving long distances to school, the classroom will be right in your own home. This technology will also help solve our global warming crisis. With less people driving and less paper needed, carbon emissions will decrease tremendously and help save our planet. Who knows, the technology might also take over the work place as well, with people working on multi-billion dollar deals in places like second life. With technology doubling every year, anything is possible.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Final #5- Animated Character

This is my animated character that I made at was actually pretty difficult to create a character that I actually wanted because some of the things on the website would not work. I was trying to extract YouTube videos to be in my background, as well as add my own voice, but the website did not seem to let me do it. Eventually, I just created my face on a newscasters body with my own picture behind me as the news story. I also added a laugh from the movie Bruno, that I thought was pretty funny.